Omaha Oral Health FAQs: Common Dental Questions Answered

Omaha Dentist Answers FAQs - Teeth Cleanings, Insurance & More

As your local Omaha dentists, we get asked a lot of questions about oral health, dental procedures, and caring for teeth. Here we've compiled some of the most frequently asked dental FAQs along with our expert answers:

Finding an Omaha Dentist

How do I find the best dentist near me in Omaha?

Look for established Omaha dentists with excellent patient reviews. Schedule consultations to meet the dentists and staff. Ask about their expertise, technologies, and treatment philosophies. Make sure they accept your dental insurance plan. Choose a dental office near you that makes you feel comfortable.

Should I see a general dentist or specialist?

For routine exams, cleanings and basic dental work like fillings, see a general dentist. They can also refer you to specialists like orthodontists, endodontists, periodontists or oral surgeons for more complex treatments.

What if I don't have dental insurance?

Many Omaha dental offices work with uninsured patients by offering discounted rates or payment plans. Ask your dentist about cash discount plans and financing options to make care affordable.

Visiting the Dentist

How often should I get my teeth cleaned?

The American Dental Association recommends visiting your Omaha dentist every 6 months for a professional cleaning and checkup to maintain oral health and prevent issues. High-risk patients may need 3-4 cleanings per year.

Are dentist visits still safe after COVID-19?

Yes, dentists follow rigorous disinfection and other protocols to keep patients safe. Let your Omaha dental office know if you have any COVID-19 symptoms or exposure when booking appointments.

Should my appointment be canceled if I'm sick?

Yes, call to reschedule your Omaha dental appointment if you have any illness symptoms like a fever, cough or flu. This keeps other patients and staff protected from infectious diseases.

Dental Insurance, Costs and Payment

Why is dental insurance separate from health insurance?

Dental coverage is usually separate because the risks and costs involved are different. Many Omaha employers offer stand alone dental plans. If uninsured, ask your dentist about affordable payment options.

What dentistry services does insurance cover?

Most dental insurance covers preventive services like exams, x-rays and cleanings at little to no cost. Coverage for fillings, crowns and other basic or major dental work varies by your plan. Ask your Omaha dentist for details.

What payment options do dentists offer?

Many Omaha dentists accept cash, credit cards, and third-party financing for uninsured patients. Payment plans can spread out treatment costs interest-free over 6-12 months.

We hope these dental FAQs help you make informed oral health decisions in Omaha! For more answers, schedule a visit with us today.


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