How Does Invisalign Work? A Step-by-Step Guide to Straighter Teeth

In the quest for a perfect smile, Invisalign has emerged as a leading solution, blending seamlessly into the lives of those it transforms. At Corpuz Family Dentistry, we're proud to offer this innovative treatment, providing our patients with a path to straighter teeth without the conspicuousness of traditional braces. Here's a comprehensive, friendly, and informative guide on how Invisalign works, from the initial consultation to the unveiling of your new smile.

Step 1: The Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with a visit to Corpuz Family Dentistry, where you'll meet with our dental team for an initial consultation. During this session, we'll discuss your dental goals, examine your teeth, and determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you. Using state-of-the-art iTero Element™ scanners, we capture a precise 3D image of your teeth, allowing us to map out a custom treatment plan and show you a preview of your future smile.

Step 2: Custom Aligners and Treatment Plan

Once you decide to proceed, your custom Invisalign aligners are crafted using SmartTrack® material, designed for comfort and efficiency. Each set of aligners is part of a series that you'll wear for about two weeks before moving on to the next set. These aligners gently and gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions, as outlined in your personalized treatment plan.

Step 3: Regular Check-ins and Progress Monitoring

Throughout your Invisalign treatment, you'll have regular check-ins at Corpuz Family Dentistry to monitor your progress and receive your next sets of aligners. These visits are crucial for ensuring your treatment is progressing as planned. Additionally, the My Invisalign™ app allows you to track your journey and stay connected with our team between visits.

Step 4: Maintaining Your New Smile

Upon completing your Invisalign treatment, it's essential to maintain your new smile. Like all orthodontic treatments, you'll need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth in their new positions. We offer Vivera™ retainers, made with the same state-of-the-art technology as your Invisalign aligners, ensuring a perfect fit and lasting results.

Invisalign vs Braces: What’s the Difference?

Choosing the right path to a straighter smile is a significant decision. At Corpuz Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of providing our patients with all the information they need to make an informed choice. Let's dive into the key differences between two popular orthodontic treatments: Invisalign and traditional braces.


  • Invisalign: One of the most appealing aspects of Invisalign is its near invisibility. The clear aligners are discreet, making them a favored choice for adults and teens who prefer a less noticeable orthodontic treatment.

  • Braces: Traditional braces consist of metal brackets and wires attached to the teeth. While modern braces are sleeker and less obtrusive than older models, they are still more visible than Invisalign aligners.

Comfort and Convenience

  • Invisalign: The aligners are made from a smooth, flexible material designed for comfort. They are removable, allowing for easy cleaning of your teeth and the aligners themselves. This removability also means there are no dietary restrictions.

  • Braces: Brackets and wires can irritate the inside of the mouth, and braces require more attention during cleaning. Patients with braces need to avoid certain foods that can damage the brackets or get stuck in the wires.

Treatment Time

  • Invisalign: The average treatment time with Invisalign at Corpuz Family Dentistry is about 12 to 18 months, though it can vary based on the individual's needs.

  • Braces: The duration of treatment with braces typically ranges from 18 to 24 months, but it can be longer for complex cases.


  • Invisalign: Highly effective for mild to moderate dental misalignments, including crowding, gaps, and some bite issues. Invisalign's technology allows for precise control over tooth movement.

  • Braces: Capable of addressing a wide range of orthodontic issues, including more severe misalignments and bite problems. Braces offer a level of force and control that can be necessary for complex cases.

Follow-up and Maintenance

  • Invisalign: Requires regular check-ups every 4 to 6 weeks to monitor progress and receive new aligner sets.

  • Braces: Patients typically have monthly appointments for adjustments and progress monitoring.

Making Your Decision

Choosing between Invisalign and braces depends on several factors, including the specifics of your dental needs, lifestyle preferences, and aesthetic considerations. At Corpuz Family Dentistry, we're dedicated to guiding you through this decision, ensuring you choose the treatment that aligns with your personal goals and leads to the successful outcome you envision.

Whether you lean towards the discreet convenience of Invisalign or the comprehensive effectiveness of braces, our team is here to support you through your smile transformation journey. Schedule a consultation with us to explore your options and take the first step towards the smile you've always wanted.

Understanding the Timeline: How Long Does Invisalign Take to Work?

One of the most common questions we hear at Corpuz Family Dentistry regarding Invisalign treatment is, "How long does it take for Invisalign to work?" The answer varies from patient to patient, depending on several factors, including the complexity of the dental issues being addressed and how consistently the aligners are worn.

Typical Duration of Invisalign Treatment

On average, Invisalign treatment at Corpuz Family Dentistry ranges from 12 to 18 months. However, many patients start to see noticeable improvements in their smile within just a few weeks of wearing their aligners. It's important to remember that each set of aligners is designed to make incremental adjustments to the positioning of your teeth. This gradual process ensures a more comfortable and manageable treatment experience.

Factors Influencing Treatment Time

  • Complexity of Dental Issues: Simple cases, like minor crowding or spacing, may require less time, while more complex issues, such as bite corrections, can extend the treatment duration.

  • Age: Younger patients with more malleable jawbones may experience quicker results.

  • Wearing Schedule Compliance: Invisalign aligners should be worn for 20 to 22 hours per day. Failing to wear them as recommended can significantly delay progress.

Accelerating Your Invisalign Treatment

At Corpuz Family Dentistry, we're committed to providing our patients with efficient and effective treatment plans. Here are a few tips to ensure your Invisalign journey is as swift as possible:

  • Adhere to the Wearing Schedule: Consistently wear your aligners for the recommended 20 to 22 hours per day.

  • Keep Regular Check-up Appointments: These visits allow us to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Keeping your teeth and aligners clean prevents dental issues that could delay your treatment.

Final Thoughts

While the desire for quick results is understandable, it's important to focus on the long-term benefits of properly aligned teeth, including improved oral health and a more confident smile. At Corpuz Family Dentistry, we're here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you're informed, comfortable, and ultimately thrilled with your Invisalign results.

If you're curious about Invisalign and wondering if it's the right choice for you, contact us to schedule a consultation. Let's work together to achieve the beautiful, healthy smile you deserve.

Why Choose Corpuz Family Dentistry for Your Invisalign Treatment?

At Corpuz Family Dentistry, we combine advanced technology with personalized care to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. Our experienced team is dedicated to making your Invisalign experience as comfortable and effective as possible, guiding you towards the smile you've always wanted.

Invisalign offers a discreet, efficient, and flexible way to straighten your teeth and enhance your smile. If you're considering Invisalign, contact Corpuz Family Dentistry today to schedule your consultation. Let us help you take the first step towards a more confident and radiant smile.


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